Student Sunday School training was lead by Jonathan Chavis. Jonathan has been a faithful leader in youth ministry for nearly twenty years. He currently serves as the full-time youth pastor at Elrod Baptist Church, a position he has held for the past six years. Through devotion to Christ and a God-given passion for discipling teens, he has led and served alongside youth on various missions and evangelistic programs to promote and further the Gospel. Through experience and perseverance, he and his team of leaders have braved the changing tides of society and continue to instill the lasting values of God’s Word in the next generation.

Jonathan has been a member of Elrod Baptist Church for 36 years. He and his wife Danielle have been married for 14 years and do not have kids. However, God has blessed them both with a host of nieces and nephews and occupations involving children.

Breakout Descriptions
1. Answer the Call: As leaders, we are entrusted with impressionable souls who need adults they can trust, love, and follow. We will look at examples from scripture to understand the expectations and implications God’s Word places on being a disciple. This is critical for leaders to make disciples.

2. The Basics: We will explore the essentials that are needed for successful discipleship within the youth program.

3. Practical Ideas: As a group, we will identify specific ideas and programs that can be implemented for Christ-centered discipleship training.