Adult Sunday School training was lead by Drew Dabbs. Drew comes to North Carolina from Mississippi where he served on a church staff as a college pastor for 13 years. He now serves NC Baptist by equipping churches to make disciples. He and his wife, Kristie, have been married for nearly 10 years and have 3 kids: Isaac, Nathan, and Rosie. In his spare time he enjoys disc golf, hiking, music, and board games.

Crossing the Bridge: How to Study the Bible to Teach- Ever wonder how to study the Word so that the key truths could be communicated to learners today? Learn a method of study that will help you expose the meaning of a biblical text and rightly apply it to today’s hearers.

Fire Away: Ask Great Questions to Lead Compelling Discussions- Tired of asking questions in your
group time and hearing only crickets in response? By understanding some key principles of writing and asking great questions, your group’s time can turn into a compelling discussion centered on God’s Word.

Off the bench: Grow Your Group by Raising up Leaders- You know the statistic: 20% of the people in church do 80% of the work. However, as a group leader, you have a chance to change the statistics. Invite people to serve, give them ownership of the group, then prepare to release them to lead groups of their own.